DependencyInjection for Umbraco 10!

  • 17/06/2022
  • Packages
  • Coding, Nugets, Umbraco 10

With Umbraco 10 just beeing released there must of course be a new release of my CyberSolutions.UCore.DependencyInjection package coming along with it!

Without much talking around I am glad to present to you CyberSolutions.UCore.DependencyInjection 10.0.0

For you as an user nothing changed from the U9 version to the U10 version regarding its usage!
If you want to know more about how to use it you can read about it here: Dependency Injection with Nuget

To add it to your project either get it from nuget via

Or via console by using the following command:

dotnet add package CyberSolutions.UCore.DependencyInjection -Version 10.0.0


About the upgrade process

The process of upgrading the code was really, really easy!

It was just a matter of changing the .NET version of the project from 5 to 6 and then just updating the Umbraco version to 10.

That was it! It was still working as before.

The most time of the upgrade I spent on thinking about how to move on with the versioning.
After some thinking I decided to always match the Umbraco version. That means that with every new major Umbraco version a new major version of my nuget(s) will be released with the same version number.

That way it will be easier to know what version of my nuget to use with which Umbraco version.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Hope you have fun using my updated Nuget! See you next time!